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400 UAH
Inspired by the Cold War, Gibson filled the world of Alien with new colors, political intrigue, unexpected exp... Show more

Inspired by the Cold War, Gibson filled the world of Alien with new colors, political intrigue, unexpected experiments and, of course, left enough space for chthonic horror.
Immediately following the events of Aliens, the spaceship Sulaco containing the frozen bodies of Ripley, Hicks, Newt, and Bishop is intercepted by the Union of Progressive Nations. But SPN forces do not know that there is another deadly passenger on board. The desire of two government titans to develop the most powerful weapons of mass destruction will turn this world into chaos.

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Shipping options
May be shipped internationally or domestically: 23 December
Store pick-up in Kharkiv: 26 December
Store pick-up in Odessa: today

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How to take care of this item?

Before use, we recommend opening it on any page, bringing it close to your face and breathing in the aroma of a new book.

Payment and delivery

We ship domestic orders daily by Nova Poshta (to the pick up office, post box or with a courier). For international shipping and payment options please contact our support team via Telegram Bot or Facebook Messenger Bot 10 am - 7 pm daily 🙌

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