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Books and moreBooks and accessoriesBooksКаталог Non Stop Media 2016

When times are tough, we need to stick together. We help local businesses (media, galleries, theaters, clubs and cafes) in selling their branded products and certificates.

Каталог Non Stop Media 2016

60 UAH
Make this a gift

Add a future gift to the Basket ➞➞ Сhoose a wrapp and a postcard ➞➞ Leave a note in the comments on your order if the postcard needs to be signed and we will do it ➞➞ Indicate to whom to send the finished gift ➞➞ ... and we will send you a photo of how cool everything is looks ❤️
Shipping options
May be shipped internationally or domestically: today
Store pick-up in Kharkiv: 27 February
Store pick-up in Odessa: today

We will not be able to accept the return of books and other printed items. Make sure you ask us all the questions about this product before purchasing🙌

How to take care of this item?

Before use, we recommend opening it on any page, bringing it close to your face and breathing in the aroma of a new book.


The Kharkiv Municipal Gallery is a modern platform for creative and socio-cultural initiatives of artists, curators and active participants of the Kharkiv art movement, which over the years of its existence has become an integral part of the art process of Ukraine. The Kharkiv Municipal Gallery began its activity in 1996 and became the first gallery of municipal status in our country.

Payment and delivery

We ship domestic orders daily by Nova Poshta (to the pick up office, post box or with a courier). For international shipping and payment options please contact our support team via Telegram Bot or Facebook Messenger Bot 10 am - 7 pm daily 🙌

New arrivals and our team in Instagram: @utopia_8