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Mindfulness Workbook

850 UAH
The Mindfulness Workbook is a theoretical and practical workbook that will introduce you to the... Show more

The Mindfulness Workbook is a theoretical and practical workbook that will introduce you to the basic concepts of mindfulness, the most effective techniques and practices for developing awareness, and teach you to be present and fully involved in the moment of reality.
The workbook was developed together with Anna Kalakutska, a certified instructor of mindfulness and meditation.

For those who want:

  • Master mindfulness techniques to perceive situations more thoughtfully.
  • Improve your mental and physical condition.
  • Learn to listen to your body and understand emotions in the circle of tasks, responsibilities and constant changes.
  • Reduce the amount of stress and worry due to excessive thoughts.
  • Develop the ability to enjoy the moment, focus on the positive aspects of life and get joy from everyday life.


  • A theoretical part that provides an understanding of why mindfulness is a useful skill for everyone, how mindfulness improves the quality of life, how to make mindfulness practices a habit, what to do with distractions and other obstacles that arise during exercise.
  • A practical part containing the most effective techniques and practices for developing awareness. Each practice comes with a diary of impressions, thanks to which you will be able to record observations and analyze your condition before and after practices.
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Shipping options
May be shipped internationally or domestically: 23 December
Store pick-up in Kharkiv: 26 December
Store pick-up in Odessa: today

We will not be able to accept the return of books and other printed items. Make sure you ask us all the questions about this product before purchasing🙌

How to take care of this item?

Before use, we recommend opening it on any page, bringing it close to your face and breathing in the aroma of a new book.


Integralist is a Ukrainian wellness project that creates products and supplements for a conscious and healthy life.
Integral from Latin means integral, i.e. integrative, complex. An Integralist is a person who shares the philosophy of integrity and comprehensiveness in his life, approaches his health and development from a variety of perspectives.

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