Вишивка на грудях зроблена спеціальним об'ємним методом
Тай-дай лонгслів Сатива Ротару
950 UAH
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No questions asked! We will make a refund or exchange of this product within 14 days after the purchase date.
How to take care of this item?
- Прати в холодній воді
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- Вiджим виставляти 400 оборотів
Satyva is a Ukrainian-language magazine about marijuana, a clothing brand, and a lifestyle. The project was founded on April 20, 2020 by Ilya Yankov, Danylo Stepanenko and Andrii Bech under the name Sativa Rotaru. In 2022, rebranding took place in favor of Ukrainianness, since then the magazine has been called Satyva.
Payment and delivery
We ship domestic orders daily by Nova Poshta (to the pick up office, post box or with a courier). For international shipping and payment options please contact our support team via Telegram Bot or Facebook Messenger Bot 10 am - 7 pm daily 🙌