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Books and moreBooks and accessoriesBooksThe New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations (soft cover)

The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations (soft cover)

290 UAH
How will geopolitics, energy revolutions and climate change determine the future of our planet and what will... Show more

How will geopolitics, energy revolutions and climate change determine the future of our planet and what will the new world map look like in the near future?

World energy expert Daniel Yergin analyzes the past and extrapolates it to the future, giving a comprehensive panorama of large-scale changes that will affect almost every country in the world.

The author warns: wars for the world's oil, gas and coal reserves can lead not only to an environmental crisis, but also to an economic crisis and cause an energy revolution, the goal of which will be the search for alternative sources of energy.

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